Jan 2, 2011

Fresh Start

Well, it's a new year and I have a new resolution...

This year, I am going to be committed to becoming healthier!!

I would love to lose weight and so, I would very much like that to be my resolution, but that seems to have been my resolution for at least the last 5 years, if not more, and I am tired of NOT losing weight so, this year, I am going to become more healthy.

I resolve to: Park farther away and I am going to eat healthier, watch my portion control... AND...I am giving up sugar. If you know me at all, you know I have a HUGE sweet tooth, so this is going  to be pretty hard for me at first. I have done this in the past (given up sugar for a year) and so I know I CAN do it, I just know it will be really hard at first.

The good news is, they make a lot more things sugar free. Not calorie free, just sugar free, so when my sweet tooth gets the best of me, I do have something I can fall back on. As for today, I stuck with a banana and yogurt for my "sweet" for the day.

Also, today I started the Wii, Biggest Looser...a couple things I found out
  1. I am too heavy for the Wii fit balance board. 
  2. It wants me to work out for 24 minutes IN A ROW...and I didn't even make it through the 6 minute warm up.
But, I refused to get discouraged already, so, with my new outlook, I have decided maybe TOMORROW I can make it through the warm up and then in the next few day I can start the actual work out program!

Wish me luck!

My weight as of today is 371.2

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