Jan 24, 2011

Couple Weeks

Well, its been a couple weeks. I am doing pretty good I think. 8 lbs, but more then that I have a walking partner at work and we go on a 15 minute walk every morning. Since the goal it to become healthier, I am focusing on the walking more then then weight loss,

I am doing pretty good on cutting out the sugar. I haven't completely given it up as I went to my friends wedding, in Phoenix the weekend of the 15th and had wedding cake. It was yummy! Pink Champagne cake. But honestly, a piece was more then enough, I took the edge, and could not finish it as it was just to much...to much frosting, to much sugar, just too much! But it didn't stop me from having some more (with a lot less frosting) the next day!! Did I mention it was Pink Champagne cake???

But then I got back home and went sugar free again. I did pick up some Weight Watcher's candy, brought it home and then realized it was made with sugar. So I talked to my daughter, Shon, who is my sugar police (smile) and she said and I quote "Anything from Weight Watcher is fine for a dessert". Whoo Hoo!! Of course I still haven't had any, but it just the thought that it is there if I do want some!!

Oh we also have a 100 day challenge at work. I started that. I have to weigh in every Friday and of course the goal it to be healthier. I have a team and we are supposed to encourage each other, so far no encouragement, but really it hasn't even been a week. So more on that later!!

1 comment:

  1. How's it going? What's happening with the team at work? I didn't know you were doing that.
